Bed Bug

Bed Bug
Extremely tiny, brownish-reddish, and without wings, bedbugs feed only on human blood. Although bedbugs are not known to spread illness, they can cause an allergy or a severe skin reaction in certain people. Bedbugs generally live in cracks, crevices, and other objects close to the bed. Bedbugs can easily spread when there are multiple night-time guest arrivals and departures.
It can be quite difficult to get rid of bedbugs after they have contaminated a home, place of business, or place of employment. Successful bedbug eradication requires a certain mix of education, experience, and knowledge.
Bedbug management and revolutionary bedbug treatment are both offered by Horizon Pest Control. We also offer a free one-time expert examination and set of recommendations.
Bed Bug Treatment Execution
- Identification of Bed Bug Infestation:
The professionals at Horizon Pest Control first identify the infection and assess its level in the home using their in-depth expertise, years of experience, and understanding of bed bugs and other pests. After completing a basic pest control inspection, all food, electrical appliances, and other necessary items are covered with plastic and newspaper. A combination of pest control techniques, including heavy spraying and smoke treatment, is then applied to your property to quickly rid your home of bed bugs and other pests. - Bed bug Spray Treatment:
Bed bugs are immediately killed by a concentrated chemical that is diluted with water and sprayed all over the house, furniture, bed, mattress, clothing, etc. - Bed bug Smoke Treatment:
Following bed bug spray treatment, all windows and doors should be securely closed to create an airtight space before releasing chemical smoke into the area for roughly 30 minutes. The consumer experiences rapid relief from bed bugs thanks to our extremely powerful bed bug treatment.
Benefits Of Bed Bug Treatment
- Our bed bug pest control service provides you with immediate relief from bedbugs by eliminating them entirely from your property.
- Along with this Bed bug treatment, you will also get a FREE GENERAL PEST CONTROL SERVICE, which covers pests like ants, spiders, silverfish, flies, ticks, bees, and lizards.
- Hassle-free, odourless and Safe treatment.
- Our pest control treatment has a long-lasting effect that will keep your home secure for you and your family for a longer time.
- We ensure that bed bugs do not bite you while you are sleeping.
- A flexible schedule, You can schedule an appointment for pest control services at any time because we are open around-the-clock, seven days a week.
If you are facing any pest problems at your residential or commercial premises & if you need an expert to advise or if you want to have top-notch pest control services then please feel free to contact us at +91 9860443122 or +91 9021696542 or write us at Our expert will visit your home or office premises for free & advise you on the best possible treatment at an affordable cost according to the investigation.